Convoy of Faithful Citizens Heading to Southern Border States for Prayer Revival Gathering
On Monday, Jan 29th, The Take Our Border Back Southern Border Convoy began in Virginia Beach, Virginia near the site of the historical April 29, 1607 landing (now marked by the Cape Henry Memorial Cross). This is where Rev. Robert Hunt disembarked three ships from England to our shores and where, upon arrival, made it a mission to dedicate this land to God and reach current and future inhabitants with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Then again in 2023, the https://firstlanding1607.com/ project re-covenanted this nation back to God with a special ceremony: America Rededicated to God at 1607 First Landing Anniversary - The New American ).
From there, the convoy commenced the week’s long journey en route to Quemado, Texas (20 miles north of the noted Eagle Pass border crossing area). They are traveling by way of Jacksonville, Florida to Baton Rouge, Louisiana where more citizens are joining in their own version of a migration. When the East Coast convoy hits Dripping Springs, Texas it will branch out Feb 1st with many heading to Yuma, Arizona for a second rally point. Saturday, Feb. 3rd a third rally will take place in San Ysidro, California in the morning before many attendees will convoy to join in with the Yuma rally taking place later the same day.
Once the initial East Coast convoy reaches its final destination in Quemado, Texas, a unifying rally will be held on February 3, making it one of three separate locations, for the purpose of drawing attention to the ongoing crisis faced by States along the southern border. The rallies will include prayer, song, and inspirational talks by both local and national leaders.
Unlike other events that have been held at the Southern Border, these rallies are being held away from the actual border and are more focused on supporting border States that have recently had their security efforts undercut by the Supreme Court. “We feel that our inalienable, God-given rights, embedded in our Constitution, have come under attack of late,” Said Robert Agee, one of he Convoy’s principal organizers. “Our Founders created a structure that gets watered-down when people are permitted to enter our country illegally and without restriction.”
Agee stressed the peaceful, prayer-based nature of the Convoy and its culminating rallies. “Let me make it clear that no violence or aggressive acts will be tolerated. Come in peace or do not come. Anyone who attends who doesn’t hold to that rule will be removed. God and violence do not mix.”
Some advocates of the convoy were participants in the Unite the Light-Liberty Lantern, covered by Human Events, in 2021-22 that saw a lantern carried across all 50 States and passed from one volunteer to the next. Like that initiative, this convoy is finding a way to get people focused on preserving a special American way of life. The spirit is similar to the 2023 Remnant Revolution Tour , that moved beyond church walls, fulfilling the Great Commission across our nation by building relationships with our brothers and sisters as we shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ and discussed our roles in the Kingdom of God. This Tour at First Landing ceremony, which began on Passover, launched on the day of Pentecost and ended the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. While not pre-planned, it was later discovered that the route's path created the shape of a fish.
Our mission is to walk in light. We understand that not everyone has the fortitude, strength, or means to physically travel through the darkness hovering over these border states. You don't have to physically journey to one of the rallies in order to feel God's presence and make the journey spiritually. If you cannot attend, we ask you to join us humbly in prayer and ask for the kind of intervention that can only come from God. We ask that He hears our petitions as the convoy travels through the dark valleys of these border States as a light of hope to restore our country's sense of peace and safety. “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (Psalm 121:2).
There is no association between the Take Back Our Border Convoy and other groups that might be planning border protests during the same time period. “This is our program and we do not want to be connected to any effort that is not about peaceful prayer and supporting the people placed at risk from drugs, human trafficking, or any of the threats created by an open border,” Agee states.
Another event organizer summed it up simply by saying, “We are engaged in a battle that Americans cannot fight. It is time for us to give it to God.”
To show your support for God's and our cause, please consider tying a red, white, and blue ribbon on your lapel, antenna, yard tree, or anywhere else where you can display this symbol of humanity, freedom, unity, and faith in God’s providence. When you are asked why, say that it is your attempt to shine a bright light on the dark shadows of human trafficking, abductions, and cartel violence pouring across our borders, against which border States and their agents are simply unable to defend.
For more information about the Take Our Border Back Convoy, you can visit their website TakeOurBorderBack.com.